Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Honestly, I've been struggling with diet and exercise lately. I started a new job, and the first several weeks were such a transition period that, while I was doing my best in the situation, I took a few missteps. However, this week I am feeling very powerful and focused.

I hadn't run in a while... I managed to run a tiny bit while I was away, but after that, ehhhh not so much. I had a conversation with my body and said "let's do two miles today." It was a tall order considering I hadn't had a heart rate over 80 bpm in quite a while.

My body came through. It was hard, but I did it. This got me thinking about inner-strength. What have you asked your body to do lately? Your body wants to work for you... just like it morphs into a squishy blob to accommodate your unhealthy ways, it will work for you to make you healthy if you ask it to.

I imagine that asking your body for the seemingly impossible is the key to running a marathon... for some people, it may be the key to walking a quarter mile... it's all relative. Is there something that seems impossible that you could ask your body to do for you? I know that my two mile run didn't seem impossible, it just seemed tough; it was. So... what impossible thing should I ask my body to do. I don't mean actually impossible... like running a marathon with no training or something like that... but something attainable that just seems a little out of reach.

Here are a few things I think fall into this category:

1. Spend an hour on the arc trainer at the highest level (10)
2. Hike a 4000 footer in the time the guide book estimates
3. Bike to/from work three days a week (16.5 miles round trip)

I am planning to work on all three of these in the next few months... I just need to have a talk with my body first.

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